Ecological and social working conditions. Innovative business models
Innovation and research-oriented. Resilient infrastructures
Creating sustainable living space. Reducing the environmental impacts
Sustainable consumption and production patterns. Resilience in procurement. Transparent reporting
Increase adaptability. Measures to protect the climate. Education and awareness
For years, we have been focusing our organisation's activities in all core areas on environmental protection and resource conservation as well as the avoidance of CO2 emissions. And not just since measures for combating climate change have been called for.
- Firmly anchored in the corporate DNA
- Influences all processes and decisions
- Continuous improvement of the carbon footprint of our products
- Specific climate strategy 2025 in cooperation with Climate Partner
As the TRILUX Group, we are consistently committed to sustainable business and make an important contribution to climate protection. We want to shape technological change – because we can.
- Development of "TRI-LUX" linear luminaires in the 1950s
- Pioneer of the LED transformation
- Culture of innovation: benchmarks in efficiency, service life and technologies
- Plug-and-play light management
- Refurbishment and financing concepts
Als Familienunternehmen denken wir in Generationen. Wir engagieren uns ganzheitlich und betrachten Nachhaltigkeit mit allen ihren ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Aspekten. Gleichzeitig helfen wir unseren Kund*innen, ihre Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen.
- Klimaneutralität bis 2025
- Effiziente Produkte im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel
- Sozial gerechte Lieferketten
- Nachhaltiges Unternehmenswachstum
- Produktentwicklung/ Innovationsforschung
- Abfallvermeidung, Recycling und Wiederverwendung