Topic overview

Switch now. Save energy.

Are you ready for a technology shift?

Why does a refurbishment with LED worthwhile?

Energy costs, lamp ban & sustainability

Save up to 85% in energy and greenhouse gases
Refurbishing conventional lighting to LED luminaires reduces energy costs by up to 76 percent, and in combination with light management the figure is up to 85 percent. Read more below.

Specifications of the Ecodesign and RoHS Directive
Lighting designers and operators are under pressure: following the sales ban on T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes, long-term supply of the required light sources can no longer be guaranteed.

Tailor-made light for maximum well-being
Unlike classic luminaires for fluorescent lamps, with suitable LED solutions the spectral composition of the light can be flexibly composed. The result: excellent quality of light, Human Centric Lighting (HCL) and much more.

Without mercury, with a future
Step by step, the RoHS Directive will ban the bringing to market of all discharge lamps containing mercury from 2023 onwards – yet another reason for a rapid switch to LED technology.

New rules of the game due to lamp bans

Bye-bye waster, hello LED!

Now it's getting serious: new EU regulations on energy efficiency (the Ecodesign Directive) and the use of mercury in light sources (RoHS Directive) make refurbishment with LED luminaires inevitable in the long run. The following light sources will no longer be available for public trading from 2023 onwards.

No longer on sale as of 25 February 2023

Compact fluorescent lamps without integrated control gear unit
Ring-shaped fluorescent lamps, T5

No longer on sale as of 25 August 2023

Tubular T5 fluorescent lamps
Tubular T8 fluorescent lamps

Refurbish now and save!

Nothing to give away? Cut energy costs by up to 85 percent!

In the following, we would like to demonstrate to you with the help of a real example how a typical refurbishment can also have an impact on your energy costs. The approx. 2000 m² hall shown is one of our own assembly halls with an E-Line continuous line system. 

As part of the lighting refurbishment, the old T8 luminaires were replaced by new LED luminaires with variable colour temperature. By using a light management system, the high energy savings could be increased even further. At the same time, the light management system ensures that the light colour is adjusted according to the time of day, thus achieving the harmonious lighting effect (HCL).

Energy price

The example shown in the table is based on 4,000 operating hours per year, with a controlled operation of 500 lx. The calculated energy price for electrical energy is 0.40 €/kWh. The maximum available illuminance of 880 lx can be retrieved if required.

€ per kWh


Old system per year
New installation per year


Net savings per year

Retro Fit vs. 1:1 Exchange

Fluorescent lamp out, retrofit-solution in, done?

In theory, retrofit conversion is quick and easy. In practice, however, the effort involved is often underestimated.

Read more

The quality of light also scores

References from practice

Whether its office, industry, retail or education, switching to LED luminaires is a real quantum leap, especially in terms of quality of light. Tailor-made solutions ensure light that makes a difference in every application and every area of use.

It pays to switch. The sooner the better.

Six more good reasons for refurbishing with modern LED luminaires

Reducing maintenance costs

Compared to conventional solutions, LED luminaires score with a significantly longer service life – and thus also longer maintenance intervals. This further cuts costs.

Fit for the lamp ban

The longer you wait to convert, the more difficult it will be to source fluorescent lamps. And the sooner you switch, the sooner you reduce energy costs. So it's not worth waiting.

Making the most of subsidies

The state supports switching to LED luminaires – among other things with its BEG federal subsidy for efficient buildings for refurbishing non-residential buildings with LED.

Achieving sustainability goals

In parallel with the significantly lower energy consumption of LED technology, greenhouse gas emissions are also reduced. This helps companies to achieve their own sustainability goals.

Refurbishing special solutions

Come what may – we're ready. Thanks to our special luminaire production facilities we quickly and reliably carry out even unusual refurbishment tasks according to your concepts and needs.

Recording inventory, planning refurbishment - but in 3D

You'd like to sustainably and efficiently refurbish an existing building? We would be happy to support you with digital lighting design in 3D model technology (BIM) on request.